Ridge-to-Reef Ecovoluntour: Living in Harmony

yoga asanas practice at the beach

The thought may have crossed your mind, why should one become a SIFCare volunteer?

Last November 16 to 18, 2015, SIFCare held its very first ecovoluntour called “Ridge To Reef: Living in Harmony”, to enable volunteers, and those aspiring to be, the opportunity to experience SIFCare’s noteworthy programs such as GOPALAY and the Good Food program.

The voluntour consisted of two and a half days of exciting activities on pawikan conservation training, early morning patrolling, a farm tour and harvesting (seasonal), discussions on climate change, and living a nature-friendly lifestyle. Add to that the opportunity to mingle and make friends with fellow volunteers and program beneficiaries.

The volunteers who joined this tour were overjoyed, impressed and grateful to SIFCare for establishing this program. Because of this, they have seen and experienced the need to do whatever they can to be a part of SIFCare’s conservation and humanitarian efforts.

So back to the question of why? Through the Ridge-to-Reef ecovoluntour or other similar programs of SIFCare, one gains an immersive, actionable experience and connects with like-minded individuals, widening his/her perspective of life, contributing not only to making the world better, but also oneself.

SIFCare would like thank all volunteers who shared their time and energy during this voluntour. We very much enjoyed the company, the enthusiasm and the willingness to learn and take action by all participants. We look forward to more ecovoluntours with you in the near future.

Another Reef-to-Ridge Voluntour will be conducted this December so please check back for the official announcement.

Visit sifcare.org/programs or our Facebook to know more.
